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A development approval is a legal document that gives approval to undertake a development.  

Impacts on water, wastewater & drainage schemes

Development approvals should consider the impacts on local water, wastewater and drainage schemes.
We request local governments and planning authorities send development applications to us where:
  • the proposal is significant in size and has the potential to impact capacity in the network
  • there are Water Corporation assets within the subject land close to the development
  • the subject site is within a Water Corporation buffer

Not sure if a development application should be referred to us? Use this referral checklist.

We’ll review the application and provide specific requirements to connect to services, protect or relocate assets. We can also identify any issues that may cause delays and redesign later in the project’s lifecycle.

Planning authorities should share this information with the landowner or proponent to further assist them in their planning.

It’s a good idea for landowners to request servicing advice before submitting a development approval.

A development approval doesn’t guarantee a building approval. You’ll still need to submit building plans via BuilderNet.

Contact us

Planning authorities can send development approvals to or by mail to:

Water Corporation
Development Services BU
PO Box 100
Leederville WA 6913

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