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A strategic resource precinct is an area around a water resource recovery facility (WRRF). It includes infrastructure, land uses and services for the treatment, storage and recycling of wastewater and other resources.

Establishing strategic resource precincts

We’re committed to working with communities and industry to create strategic resource precincts around WRRFs. This encourages land uses that aren’t odour sensitive and which benefit being close to these assets.

Establishing strategic resource precincts around WRRFs will ensure:

  • long term asset protection
  • efficient use of land, water and other resources
  • more liveable and climate resilient communities. 

The Western Australian Planning Commission recognises this in the State Planning Strategy 2050.

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Beneficial land use

Beneficial land uses are compatible land uses, which provide benefits or services to WRRFs and the community. They are well suited in strategic resource areas.

Benefits include:

  • using outputs such as recycled water, nutrients, biosolids and/ or biogas
  • generating inputs including renewable energy and knowledge, such as research
  • providing carbon and biodiversity offsets
  • buffering to odour sensitive land uses.

Our water resource recovery facilities produce recycled water, nutrients, biosolids and biogas, which we can use for:

  • plant operations
  • recreational grounds
  • urban forests and corridors
  • horticulture
  • industry.

This can deliver significant cost savings in water, energy and waste disposal to communities. It brings us a step closer to making our cities and towns more sustainable and liveable.

Download our matrix of beneficial land uses for wastewater treatment plant buffers. It lists land uses and details their outputs and inputs.

More information

To find out more about opportunities for establishing strategic resource areas around a WRRF, please contact us at