Outages & works
Enter your address in the search below to find out if there are any outages or works near you.
If you're experiencing a water outage or issue not listed here, please call our Faults and Emergencies team on 13 13 75 (available 24/7).
Notice: Due to ex-tropical Cyclone Zelia, temporary reduced water pressure may affect some residents in the Pilbara region. While water supply remains unaffected, please be mindful of your water usage. Learn how to be prepared.
Please note: If you live in Bunbury (excluding Dalyellup) or Busselton, these areas are serviced by independent water service providers. You will need to contact Aqwest or Busselton Water to report a fault with your water supply.
Additional outages & works
Sometimes our outages don’t make it on our map. Please check the table below or call 13 13 75 to report a new outage.
Date | Suburb | Location | Issue | Start Time | Expected Restoration Time |
Common water issues
Learn more about what could be causing an issue at your property and what you should do next.
Leak detection
Use our handy tool to check if you have a leak and find out how to fix it.
Leaking meter
View our step by step guide to find out what to do if your meter is leaking.
Low water pressure
Learn how to test your water pressure and what to do if it is lower than normal.
Discoloured water
Find out what’s causing the water coming out of your tap to be discoloured or cloudy and learn what to you can do in this situation.
Faulty, damaged or missing meter
Find out what you need to do if your meter is not working or missing.
Water won't shut off
Can't shut off your water? Find out what you can do.
Sewer blockage or overflow
Find out what to do if your sewer is blocked or toilet won't flush.
Change in tap water taste or smell
Find out why your water might taste, smell or look unusual and what you can do in this situation.