East Village
As one of WA’s most sustainable developments, East Village site shows how we can live with a tiny carbon footprint.
READ CASE STUDYAs climate change continues to impact Western Australia, sustainability has become a key deciding factor in what we buy - including big purchases like a new home.
The Waterwise Development program supports developers in building sustainable homes and communities by applying Water Sensitive Urban Design principles in their estates.
These principles provide opportunities to enhance urban development's social and environmental amenities.
Our Waterwise Development Program highlights the role developers have in building waterwise communities. Supporting developers to implement water efficiency principles in their estates helps us work towards our long-term plan to provide a sustainable water future for generations to come.
Here are some examples of incentives that could be available in a waterwise development:
Interested in understanding how innovative waterwise initiatives and Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) can become mainstream practice in Perth’s development industry? Check out our Guide to Waterwise Developments.
See our list of endorsed developments across Western Australia and find out if you're living in a waterwise development.
Find out more about the endorsement requirements for developers to become waterwise via the link below.
Learn how developers and businesses in WA are building waterwise communities and gaining accreditation for their sustainability initiatives under the Waterwise Business Program.
As one of WA’s most sustainable developments, East Village site shows how we can live with a tiny carbon footprint.
Find out more about the endorsement requirements for developers to become waterwise via the link below.