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This Program enables aquatic centres across Western Australia to be recognised for their commitment to water efficiency.

We run the Program with the Leisure Institute of WA Aquatics (LIWA). The Program is free to join for aquatic centres who want to improve their water efficiency and work towards more sustainable goals.

Key achievements
  • The program started in 2012 in partnership with the Leisure Institute of Western Australia Aquatics (LIWA). It recognises aquatic centres around Western Australia which commit to driving water efficiency.
  • It has saved approximately 1.59 billion litres of water since 2008 - the equivalent of approximately 707 Olympic sized swimming pools.
  • The program has a total of 57 participants, 27 of these being in the Perth Metropolitan area and 30 in regional Western Australia.

Program benefits

Program participants receive several benefits, including:

  • Exclusive access to our waterwise logo to promote yourself as a waterwise centre
  • Access to data logging services to assist with water management and leak detection
  • Waterwise resources such as signage, stickers and posters to help you promote waterwise behaviours within your centre and community
  • Invitations to workshops, networking and industry events

Become a waterwise aquatic centre

Is my local Aquatic Centre waterwise?

Find out if your nearest Aquatic Centre is waterwise and working towards achieving a 15% water-saving reduction per person!

See if my Aquatic Centre is waterwise

Inspiration from waterwise aquatic centres

Waterwise aquatic centres are making innovative changes to reduce water use and are identifying simple upgrades to deliver significant savings.

Wanneroo Aquamotion

Wanneroo Aquamotion

Wanneroo Aquamotion has seen visitor numbers almost triple in 4 years. But the team’s commitment to water conservation hasn’t seen a corresponding increase in water usage.

Image of Bold Park's outdoor pool

Bold Park Aquatic Centre

Showers use about 43% of the water at Bold Park Aquatic. Simple steps to reduce water use have resulted in double savings - reducing water and energy use.

Read case study