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Liveability means making a place where people want to live, businesses want to invest and communities can thrive. This includes having good drinking water, low waste and access to green and blue spaces that help with mental and physical health. To create a liveable place, we need to think about what the community needs now and in the future, balancing short-term and long-term needs for everyone in Western Australia.

In collaboration with Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER), we have established the Drainage for Liveability Program. This program aims to convert stormwater drains and basins into living streams, which is made possible by working with interested community groups, local authorities and stakeholders.  

Recently, we have introduced our Assets for Liveability Program to recognise the opportunities presented by our broader assets supporting liveability across the state.  

This program is based on the Water Sensitive Cities concept and compliments the State Government’s  Waterwise Perth Action Plan by integrating water and land use planning. It aims to show how water can make our communities more sustainable, productive, resilient and liveable. The Water Sensitive Cities approach recognises the importance of water in enhancing the liveability and sustainability of cities, highlighting the multiple benefits that water infrastructure can provide. It also considers opportunities for better land and water outcomes including nature-based solutions.

The benefit of this program is that it looks at the big picture. It shows that our assets don't have to be used for just one thing. Instead, they can be part of the city, neighbourhood, and community, providing important water services and other benefits. This idea is key to creating a waterwise city.

The below projects shows how we can do this, highlighting the many advantages of a well-planned, waterwise urban area.

Completed projects

Additional resources

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If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us by emailing