Kimberley Community Grants
If you are based in the Kimberley, and have a great idea, our grants scheme may be able to help.
The North West region, extending from as far south as Onslow and as far north as Wyndham, is primarily supplied by groundwater. Karratha is supplied by the addition of surface water from Harding Dam and Wyndham also draw water from Moochalabra Dam.
Supplying the North West region’s towns and communities can come with its own challenges. We supply water in some very remote places, which means some of our serviced towns are unmanned, and repairs and maintenance mean several hours of driving for our skilled operators.
Around 42% of treated wastewater is recycled in the North West. Wastewater recycling plays a vital role in supporting a very high level of economic activity and population growth.
We expect recycled water use to increase further as wastewater volumes and demand for water grows.
Major activities include:We're committed to exploring further recycling opportunities in the North West and will be investing substantially in technology to improve the quality of treated wastewater from our plants.
We produce Rhodes grass at our Broome North Wastewater Treatment Plant as an environmentally friendly means of disposing of Broome's recycled water. The high-quality hay is sold to local farmers for fodder, and part of the revenue is used to fund community projects through our Kimberley Community Grants Scheme.
If you are based in the Kimberley, and have a great idea, our grants scheme may be able to help.