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This information is provided to assist land developers and consulting engineers with an understanding of the process for delivering infrastructure to a new land development of 30 or more lots.

Our Developers Manual provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide for designing, constructing and handing over infrastructure assets for a land development.

You will need to follow these steps when developing land.

  1. Request our Network Planning Information - to be provided with a Planning Information Pack (PIP)
  2. Develop your 'Concept Plans' to ensure the delivery of water and wastewater infrastructure for the development is consistent with our network planning, we'll require a water/ wastewater servicing strategy/concept plan. The following considerations shall be addressed with us prior to submitting your Concept Plans for acceptance:
    • Servicing arrangements that are not in accordance with our network planning, e.g. extending gravity sewer from a line in a different catchment, or connecting to a water zone that has inadequate hydraulic levels.
    • Constraints or restrictions on the operation of the proposed works due to requirements from other authorities.
    • Design arrangements that are not in accordance with our Design Standards as a result of our Network Planning.
    • Dependencies on headwork assets that are not within our 5 year Capital Investment Program.
  3. Concept Plan acceptance - prior assessing designs for the delivery of water and wastewater to a stage, Concept Plans will need to be lodged and formally accepted. 
  4. Enter into a Works Agreement (if eligible)
  5. Initial design assessment - submit the detailed water and/or wastewater designs (by a design engineer) for our review, that are:
    • consistent with your accepted Concept Plans
    • compliant with our Design Standards
  6. External approvals - ensure that all relevant approvals, including those required under the Prerequisites to Works process, have been obtained.
  7. Final design acceptance - once all items noted via the initial design assessment have been addressed and all other requirements completed, the final design drawings can be submitted to us for final design acceptance. Acceptance: 
    • will be valid for 12 months – if construction has not started in this period, a resubmission may be required
    • any alterations to the design after acceptance must be discussed with us – a new submission may be necessary.
  8. Notice of Requirements - if the development is to be delivered under a Works Agreement, the Notice of Requirements for the according stage will be provided within 35 days of the formal design acceptance.
  9. Start-up meeting - once the final designs have been accepted and prior to works commencing, a meeting with the Superintendent, Contractor and Water Corporation works inspectors will be held.
  10. Pre-construction requirements met - this includes providing: 
    • a Clearance to Works Permit and Isolation Plan (if required)
    • proof the contractor has employed personnel with appropriate skills
    • written notice to the occupiers of any property that will be affected by construction of the works – this should be given at least 10 days prior to commencement of work that will affect the property
    • if electrical infrastructure, such as a distribution substation, is required for your land development, you may need to conduct an Earth Potential Rise (EPR) hazard assessment, obtain written approval confirming our acceptance of the proposed earthing design and submit the site verification test results to us for review and approval. Please refer to our Earth Potential Rise Manual for step-by-step guidelines on this process.
  11. Construction - you will need to adhere to our requirements during construction stage of the development process. Inspection of the works may occur during construction by our inspectors to ensure that all requirements are being satisfied. Early clearance of subdivision conditions - if eligible and all items as noted in the Notice of Requirements have been completed, clearance of the subdivision conditions may be requested. If the development is dependent on Wastewater headworks, tankering of wastewater may apply. Refer to the Tankering fact sheet.
  12. Pre-handover - checklist is completed and submitted by the construction engineer prior to booking a final handover inspection.
  13. Final inspection - in order to have the works taken over by Water Corporation, an inspection by the asset inspector is required.
  14. Connection of new works- to the existing Water Corporation infrastructure.
  15. Submit As-Constructed information.
  16. Takeover of works - infrastructure by Water Corporation.
  17. Warranty:
    • The warranty period is one year from the date of takeover. We will be responsible for operational maintenance of the works during this period.
    • If faults arise during the warranty period from faulty design, workmanship or materials; or where the fault affects the service to customers and/ or public safety, Water Corporation will carry out remedial repairs. 
    • The developer will be notified of these works as soon as practicable and any cost associated will be charged to the developer.

For further information about the land development process, please email us or call (08) 9420 2099.

Fees & charges

Infrastructure contributions, land servicing and development submission fees may be payable when developing land.

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Deferring infrastructure contributions

Payments can be deferred for up to 12 months - find out about eligibility and applicable conditions.

Find out how