April 2023
National recognition for Water Corporation as one of the most inclusive employers in Australia
Water Corporation has been recognised as one of the top and most inclusive employers in Australia at the AFR BOSS Best Places to Work 2023 awards – the only WA-based winner in the national awards.
Tropical Cyclone Ilsa - your water and wastewater services
Water Corporation has assessed its infrastructure following Tropical Cyclone Ilsa, and can report there are no impacts affecting drinking water supply or wastewater services.​

Dalyellup Water Corporation employee going for gold at World Transplant Games
A Dalyellup Water Corporation employee will be flying the flag for Australia at the 2023 World Transplant Games in Perth this coming week (15-21 April).

Transfer of remote power and water a licence for success
The State Government has announced the transfer of responsibility for power and water services in Western Australia's remote Aboriginal communities from the Department of Communities to licensed specialists Water Corporation and Horizon Power.