October 2022
Perth Monthly Water Update - November 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Perth Monthly Water Update - October 2022
Latest metro water use, dam levels, streamflow and rainfall data.

Residents in West Perth advised of low water pressure for essential works
Water Corporation is advising residents in West Perth of possible reduced water pressure from 10pm Sunday 30 October to 6am Monday 31 October during essential works to replace two water main valves in Kings Park.

Students celebrated as waterwise competition reaches new heights
Western Australian high school students have pitched a series of innovative water-saving ideas to industry experts at the annual event attended by Water Minister Dave Kelly today.

North-West public housing tenants to benefit from improved water efficiency and lower bills
More than 300 public housing tenants in Roebourne, Wickham, Halls Creek, Karratha and Exmouth will have their homes retrofitted with water-efficient fixtures from November under the McGowan Government’s Waterwise Public Housing Project.

Water-saving offers available to Great Southern towns
Water Minister Dave Kelly has encouraged Great Southern residents to take advantage of free waterwise offers available as part of Water Corporation's 2022-23 Waterwise Towns Program.

North-West residents encouraged to take up waterwise offers
Residents in Fitzroy Crossing, Halls Creek, Karratha, Onslow, Point Samson, Port Hedland, Roebourne, South Hedland, Wedgefield and Wickham can again take advantage of free waterwise offers as part of Water Corporation's 2022-23 Waterwise Towns Program.

Free water-saving products and advice available to Mid-West towns
Residents in Exmouth, Jurien Bay, Cue, Sandstone and Meekatharra can now take advantage of free waterwise offers as part of Water Corporation's 2022-23 Waterwise Towns Program.

Free waterwise showerheads now available to Goldfields households
Water Minister Dave Kelly is encouraging Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Kambalda, and Coolgardie residents to swap inefficient showerheads for waterwise alternatives as part of the 2022-23 Waterwise Towns program.

Waterwise offers extended to South West holiday hotspots
Residents in the towns of Dunsborough and Yallingup can now join 13 other South-West communities in claiming a free irrigation or plumbing service, or swap an inefficient showerhead for a waterwise alternative as part of the 2022-23 Waterwise Towns program.

New waterwise plan to make Perth-Peel more climate-resilient
To mark the start of National Water Week, Water Minister Dave Kelly today launched Kep Katitjin - Gabi Kaadadjan, the second Waterwise Perth Action Plan for Perth and Peel which builds on the successful first plan released in 2019.

Regional WA’s largest concrete water tank to enhance water quality and security for Merredin
Water Minister Dave Kelly has announced the completion of a 42 million-litre concrete water storage tank in Merredin, the largest of its kind in regional WA, to help improve water quality and supply security.