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  • McGowan Government invests $15.2 million to improve water services for Kondinin, Hyden and Karlgarin
  • About 80 WA workers involved in the water infrastructure upgrades
  • $66.8 million in 2019-20 to be invested in across the Great Southern and Goldfields and Agricultural regions on water infrastructure upgrades

The McGowan Government has finished a $15.2 million project to install a new two and a half million litre water tank, new booster pump station and other supporting infrastructure in the town of Kondinin.

As part of this work, around 18 kilometres of upgraded water supply main was built to connect the new tank and pumping station to the Great Southern Towns Water Supply Scheme (GSTWSS).

This work will improve the water supplied to the communities of Kondinin, Hyden and Karlgarin far more effectively than the previous pumping station. The new tank, booster pump station and treatment plant have been built on a new site adjacent to the intersection of Sloan and Young roads in Kondinin.

Around 80 WA workers were involved in this Water Corporation project.

In 2017, the Water Corporation delivered a $35.6 million project to construct a pump station and pipeline connecting Stirling Dam to the GSTWSS, which services 44 towns across the Great Southern including Hyden, Karlgarin and Kondinin.

This project has enabled water from Perth's Integrated Water Supply Scheme to be pumped to the GSTWSS when needed to secure water supply for these towns, as the impact of climate change continues to impact rainfall.

Comments attributed to Water Minister Dave Kelly:

"The McGowan Government is securing water for our rural towns and communities with important water infrastructure projects like this.

"This financial year, the McGowan Government, through the Water Corporation, will spend $66.8 million across the Great Southern and Goldfields and Agricultural regions on water, wastewater and drainage projects.

"This project will improve the quality of water supplied to the towns of Kondinin, Hyden and Karlgarin, with the new concrete water tank providing covered storage.

"Local residents and business will also experience better water flow as the new water supply main has a greater capacity.

"The State Government, through the Water Corporation, is constantly planning and responding to the impact of climate change, upgrading water supplies and connecting towns to larger supply networks when needed."

Comments attributed to Agricultural Region MLC Laurie Graham:

"Most of us don't think twice about turning on the tap to access a clean, reliable water supply at home or at work.

"So it's great to see that the Great Southern Towns Water Supply Scheme making that a reality for more of our farming communities.

"Reliable water supply is crucial for everyone and I know the people of Kondinin, Hyden and Karlgarin will welcome the upgrades.

"I applaud this investment in vital new water infrastructure for these towns and their districts."

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Contact: Minister's office

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