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As one of WA’s largest employers of Clontarf Foundation Alumni students, we’re excited to announce the renewal of our partnership with the foundation for 2024-25.  

We’ve been proud partners with the Clontarf Foundation since 2008, continuing our commitment in supporting young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boys through improved education, self-esteem and employment opportunities.

The successful partnership supports Clontarf Foundation’s Educational Engagement and Life Skills Program through the 35 school-based academies across WA.  

In 2023, more than 2300 students from Years 5 to 12 were enrolled in the state-based program. 

The program and its initiatives make a big impact on the outcomes for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males, helping boys while they’re at school and setting them up as they transition into employment pathways or further studies. 

Clontarf’s school academies provide boys with a welcoming environment that fosters supportive relationships with their academy mentors and offers a diverse range of activities to ensure boys thrive at school.

Students at the Clontarf South West Employment Forum in the South West
Students at the Clontarf South West Employment Forum in the South West.

Clontarf South West Employment Forum 2023
Clontarf South West Employment Forum in Bunbury, speed dating rotations with Water Corporation’s electrical apprentice Jayen Farrant

From the foundation to our organisation

Our staff regularly engage in Clontarf Foundation led social and employment-based activities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait students and invite the boys along to our Career Day experiences.

A group of Clontarf Foundation students recently had a unique opportunity to gain insights into career prospects within the water industry during a visit to two of Perth's most important drinking water dams. 

During this educational excursion, the Year 11 and 12 students learnt how Perth’s drinking water is sourced, treated and protected.

Since this partnership was formed, 39 Clontarf alumni have joined our organisation through our apprenticeship, traineeship and graduate programs.

The Clontarf alumni play a valuable role at Water Corporation, acting as ambassadors of the Program, sharing their own educational and career journeys with the boys.

We’ve been proud partners with the Clontarf Foundation since 2008.
Year 11 and 12 students from the Clontarf Foundation tour Churchman Brook and Canning Dams.

A group of Clontarf Foundation students at a Perth dam