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Also known as the 'Third Pipe' scheme, the Denham Saline Groundwater Scheme supplies non-drinking saline water to properties in Denham for the purpose of garden irrigation and toilet flushing.

Denham does not have a natural source of drinkable water. The town’s drinking water needs are met by the removal of the salt content from artesian water (desalination process). Denham’s Saline Groundwater Scheme helps to reduce the demand on drinking water supplies.

Approximately 490 properties in Denham have the saline water available, allowing them to irrigate their gardens and flush toilets with a water source other than drinking water.

Water Corporation owns and operates the scheme, supplying both types of water to the properties in the area, using two different coloured meters:

  • Blue meter - drinkable water
  • Red meter - non-drinkable water

Different charges apply for each type of water. Charges for water use from each water source are separated on the bill and clearly show the amount used and charges applicable for each source.

What kind of water is used?

The Denham Saline Groundwater Scheme draws saline water from a contained artesian aquifer in the local area via 2 bores. The saline groundwater undergoes primary treatment for the removal of iron and manganese before it is supplied to the non-drinking water scheme.

What can the water be used for?

The water supplied by the Denham Saline Groundwater Scheme must only be used for watering your garden and toilet flushing. Groundwater supplied through this scheme is not suitable for other uses including: drinking, cooking or food preparation, bathing, filling up spas and swimming pools, car washing, use in evaporative air conditioners and water fountains.

To report any faults with your saline water supply, please contact us on 13 13 75.

Murchison water treatment plant program

We're building water treatment plants to improve water quality in Cue, Meekatharra, Mt Magnet and Sandstone.