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You may be familiar with some of our flexible work arrangements and employee benefits, but did you know you could apply for an entire year of paid leave through our Deferred Salary Scheme?

Whether you want to see the world, spend more time with family, or simply take a well-deserved break, our Deferred Salary Scheme is a great way to carve out some extended time off.

Here’s how the scheme works and how our staff are using their time away.

What is the Deferred Salary Scheme?

The Deferred Salary Scheme (or ‘4/5 leave scheme’) is a working arrangement that allows employees to work four years on 80% pay and to take a paid fifth year off before returning to their role.

To be eligible for the scheme, employees only need to have worked a minimum of two years before they can apply.

If approved, the leave period begins in July of the qualifying year, or can be deferred by up to 12 months on request.

The secret to a thriving career? Freedom and flexibility for a balanced life

Teneeka enjoys the view on holiday in Greece

For some of our staff, like Teneeka from our Assets Planning and Delivery team, our 4/5 leave scheme presented the perfect opportunity for her to see the world while pursuing her career at Water Corporation.

Starting as a Business Administration Trainee in Karratha in 2008, Teneeka explored six different roles before transferring to Perth in 2015, where she started her current role as Executive Assistant for the Assets Planning and Delivery Group.

“I have loved working at Water Corporation ever since my first day. I think the fact that I’ve been here for sixteen years shows that I love what I do and the people I work alongside.

“I’m lucky enough to work alongside wonderful colleagues, team members, friends and family.”

With a penchant for adventure, Teneeka recently enjoyed a whirlwind year of exploring distant lands on paid leave.

A visit to Karratha, Cairns and Sydney to see family was on the cards before exploring the top end of Northern Territory in Kakadu and Litchfield.

If that wasn’t enough, Teneeka enjoyed a European summer with endless Aperol spritz, coconut gelati and basking in the glow of a warm sunset.

“A coworker and I explored Rome, Sorrento, Capri, Ischia, Positano, Amalfi, Sicily and Naples. We made our way to Greece, Santorini, Paros and Crete too. It was amazing!”

To end this incredible life-changing experience, Teneeka travelled on to Langkawi, Malaysia, and hit the high seas on a 10-day sailing adventure through Phuket, Thailand, stopping at some of the most gorgeous islands in the world.

Teneeka enjoys a dip in the ocean while on holiday

Teneeka has now returned to her previous role and, while her passport is currently on the sidelines (for the time being), she proudly said that she was pleased to be back in her role.

“It wasn’t hard to come back to work, I was ready. I’m happy to be back, my role brings people and projects together, aligning everyone to work toward the same goals, and ultimately achieve them more quickly. I love being a problem solver and a fixer”.

Searching for a role with a healthy work-life balance?

We're here to help you pursue both your professional and personal goals. At Water Corporation, our Deferred Salary Scheme is just one of the many ways we support the unique and individual ways our employees live.

Find out more about our generous leave benefits and future opportunities at Water Corporation.

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